Tag Archives: Important Factors that Manipulate Car Insurance

5 Important Factors that Manipulate Car Insurance

Here are the top 5 Important Factors that Manipulate Car Insurance :


Driving History :

How well you drive? Have you ever been involved in a road accident? Well these are some of the questions you will be asked when going to buy a car insurance policy. For example: if you had made car insurance claims previously, received tickets or being involved in accidents then you might be charged a higher premium. Some car insurance companies even are going to reject your application if they found your driving record too bad. This is why you should ensure of maintaining a clean chit record for your benefits only.

Your Gender and age :

Although you have nothing to do at all in this point yet these two factors will determine your car insurance cost. If you are a lady and want to purchase an auto insurance policy then you are advantageous of paying lesser premiums as they regard female drivers safe compared to the male drivers.  Even statistical data proves the same. Contrarily old men usually incur higher rates than old women which again have some facts.

Your lifestyle and car insurance policy

Think about your lifestyle when considering the type of cover for your car. This is again a key to determine how much car insurance should be. If you rent cars often and travel on them then you can save big bucks by having the point in your insurance cover for the vehicle/s that you rent. So, a bit increase in your annual premium can save your additional charges on the rental insurance.

Marital status

Unmarried men are going to hate this but it’s true. Married people have the tendency of lesser accidents than single men which means lesser or no car insurance claims to be made. Hence, it is must for all to get married specifically for men that will lower down rates considerably.

Age of your car

Although the repairing expenses of an old car is same as the new one yet the former one is more prone to meet with an accident. This is owing to the fact the expenditure for the repairs of an old car can at times be high compared to the worth of your car. So, it is obvious for you to discard the old one thereby replacing it for a new than spending money on the repairs. Hence, it counts on how much is car insurance that you ought to pay.

All these factors will determine on how much car insurance should be. You can also seek help of insurance calculator available online to determine on how much is car insurance?

Reference : mozconcepts.com